Learn more about buying and selling boats and yachts
Thinking about buying a boat?
If I buy a boat through a broker, do I pay the commission to the broker?
Yes, the commission will be payed by both those who sell and those who buy.
Who pays the experts when you take the boat for a sea trial before buying the boat?
The buyer pays them.
Who pays the “alaggio” (when the boat is pulled up by the water) and the “launch” (when the boat is being put in the water) for any sea trials?
It depends, these costs are however already regulated in the form in the purchasing proposal.
Could I be able to make decisions on the negotiation and/or express assessments on the value of the boat?
Where and when do you make the transfer of ownership?
It is done at the end of the whole purchasing process (it is the last step before delivery) and takes place in person at the Nautical Agency of reference or at a notary.
Who pays the transfer of ownership?
The buyer.
If I buy a yacht from 10 to 24 meters does the boating license for pleasure boats count?
The boating license for pleasure boats is divided in two categories: one for navigations “within 12 miles” and one for navigations “beyond 12 miles”
Looking to sell your boat?
How is the value of a boat being calculated?
It is prefereable to be advised from an expert and that’s why we can help you out: supporting you during the evaluation and negotiation.
What documents are needed to sell a used boat?
You will need the navigation license, the safety certificate and the VHF license (updated), the CE certificate and the builder's declaration of conformity if the boat was built after June 1998.
How would you find buyers for my boat?
The Archipelago team will do a research through its contacts and advertise the boat in its website and nautical portals for free.
If I sell the boat via broker do I pay the commission?
Yes, the commission will be payed by both those who sell and those who buy.
What documents are needed to sell a used boat?
You will need the navigation license, the safety certificate and the VHF license (updated), the CE certificate and the builder's declaration of conformity if the boat was built after June 1998.
Who pays the ads to advertise for the sale?
The Archipelago team will pay for the ads, you won't need to pay anything.
Who pays the experts when during sea trials?
The buyer pays them.
Who releases the transfer of ownership?
It will be released by an enabled and specialized nautical agency.
Would you like to know more?
What are the types of boats?
Motor and sail boats (pleasure craft and pleasure boats according to the length)
What are the categories and models?
There are many: Open, Fly, Shuttle, Hard Top, T-Top, Inflatables, Catamarans, Fisherman, Gozzo, Day Cruiser
Where can I look for used boats?
On our website and other nautical portals. Or ask us! We can carry out research for you through our contacts database.
How do you buy a new or used boat?
By relying on a qualified broker!
What boat can I drive without a license?
You can only drive motor boats with engine equal or less than 40 HP
How much does the transfer of ownership of a boat cost?
It depends on the length and the registered flag.
What boats must be recorded and where?
The Italian legislation provides that crafts and pleasure boats have to be registered in the central telematic system for pleasure boating (ATCN).
The vessels are excluded to be registered in the central telematic system for pleasure boating, but they can be optional and in this case they are equal to boats (boats over 10mt).
What should I have on board when sailing?
The on-board equipment for the passengers embarked and for the distance from the coast, the nautical license, the insurance, the navigation license, the VHF license and the valid safety certificate.
How much does a motor yacht consumes?
It depends on the engine and the type of boat.
Who is a maritime mediator?
It is a figure that is enabled to relate with two or more parties for the purchase and sale contracts, construction, lease, rental and mooring of pleasure crafts. (Art. 49)
Who can carry out the profession of maritime mediator /broker?
A) Who has a European Union citizenship.
B) Requirements provided under the Law of 12 March 1968 no. 478.
C) Having fulfilled the obligation of education and not being underage.
having attended a special theoretical-practical course and passed relative examination.
D) Having entered into an insurance policy for damages caused during the activity from its own or a third party, of which they respond in accordance with the law.
F) Not having been declared criminals, professional or for trend, not having been subjected to personal safety measures or prevention measures, not to have been sentenced to a prison sentence of not less than three years referred to in Legislative Decree no. 6 September 2011 no. 159 (Art. 49)
How do you become a maritime mediator?
The subscription to the annually organized course by the Region is subject to payment by those who intend to enroll and it is commensurate with the cost incurred by the regions for the management of the course. This amount of the cost is decided every three years by decree of the Minister of Infrastructure and Concrete Transport with the Minister of Economy and Finance and upon unified agreement pursuant to Article no. 8 of the delegated decree of 28 August 1997 no. 281.
What regulates the Recreational Craft Directives?
The Legislative Decree no. 171 of 18 July 2005 updated by the last law no. 214 of 2023.